Friday, April 8, 2011

Photo Class: Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks

I've had my point-and-shoot camera for about a year and a half. In that time, I have repeatedly been frustrated that it did not have a "macro" setting - the setting where you can zoom in on smaller objects, typically with a really flatteringly shallow depth of field. It is what was missing when I tried to take the photo of the flower-vase-head thing.

Well the instructor for the free online photography course that Diane and I are taking left a comment after my post asking if I'd tried adjusting the settings on my camera to manual-focus mode. I'm still not sure if I have that capability, but I DID find the macro setting on my camera!

The embarrassing thing is that, it's not like it was hard to find. It was just in a different spot from my previous camera.

Anyway, I did a hasty reshoot and am happier with how it turned out.
ISO/200, 1/15, f /3.5
The lighting is also much better - daytime, so I could use natural light, though I added the halogen as well (which may explain the slightly lavender hue).

Today's assignment is "New." [I think I just figured out why she's calling the course "Opposites."] I sure wish there were a baby I could photograph! Could I use the above photograph? It was newly taken, today?

Fine then. Here's something fresh. These are new votive candles I bought for Steve's jubilee, so they are relatively new. Here's the picture I tried taking of them previously.

Here's today's picture, using the perspective tips from Beth V and my newly discovered macro setting.

ISO/400, 1/8, f3.2
Interesting mood, eh? Then I tweaked it with the "boost" effect at Much better, isn't it? The noise seems to be gone, and the glass looks, um, glassier.

This is fun!

1 comment:

  1. Love the change of perspective! It makes so much difference in the two photos you showed. GREAT job! And yeah for macro settings (hey, I sort of helped...kind of :))


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