Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Mango Creamsicle Smoothie

I had avoided fresh mangoes for years simply because I couldn't figure out how to cut them. I always ended up with woody bits and felt ripped off. Then I discovered this.

I didn't buy it the first time I saw it because, really, who needs yet another single-purpose kitchen tool. But I finally caved (because I really do love mango). It was totally worth it.

Once the mango is opened, you just slice it and pare it. There is very little waste. (Because every mango is unique, there are sometimes woody/pulpy bits to clean up.)

Now, what to do with that gorgeous mango? (One can grow tired of just plain mango slices.)  It's smoothie time!

It's as delicious as it looks!
Mango Creamsicle Smoothie

This delicious smoothy really does taste like an orange creamsicle - creamy, sweet and tangy.


- 1 fresh, really ripe mango (should be sqeezily soft)
- 1 fresh clementine, peeled and broken into segments
- half a glassful of ice cubes
- enough milk to cover the half-glass of ice cubes
- one packet of Stevia (or sweetener of your choice)


Put it all in a blender. Puree until smooth. Drink up!


  1. check out: but at step 3 I just use a spoon to scoop out the cubes or strips. I just learned this after fighting with too many mangoes! Your gizmo will still make it easier, and clean off the nut better though.

    1. I have no idea why I never googled how to cut a mango! Thanks, Pat!

  2. i never thought of googling either. I was asked to cut the mangoes at a marriage retreat, and totally embarrassed myself with the mess I made with one. A friend showed me how to do the next ridiculously easy! I was attempting to do it like an avocado!!!


What did you think? Any comments?

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