Monday, September 17, 2012

Domestic Bliss

I am a cancer which, if you put stock in such things, explains my homebody inclinations.

I find great satisfaction in beautifying my home and spending time there. I know people who are somewhat the opposite, who can think of a million better things to do with their time, creativity, and money.

Yesterday, therefore, was my kind of Sunday. Steve had defrosted a turkey, just because, and I made a delicious stuffing with nutty multigrain bread, lots of real butter, and fresh herbs from the garden. (A garden which I bribed my son to make for me.)

In the evening, I finished doing the laundry my way, and continued reading the captivating novel I have on the go (one of those novels that is so engrossing that you find yourself thinking about it throughout the day).  One of our daughters came home for dinner, too, which made it special.

And this evening, we made a turkey pot pie with more fresh herbs, Steve's special biscuit crust, and asparagus tossed in with the meat and gravy. Yum!

As always, there was some biscuit dough left over, so I had to make some cinnamon roll (see the picture above, and recipe here).

Brian commented, that one of the best things about turkey dinner isn't the slow-roasted, succulent meat itself, but all the other things that go with it, including the "leftovers."  I put leftovers in quotation marks because, really, it feels more like a whole new meal. It's like calling lasagne a leftover just because you're using a sauce that you made a double batch of the day before.

I'm sitting here almost purring, so contented am I.

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