Friday, December 23, 2016

Rødkål: a Festive Side Dish

At a Christmas gathering some years ago, a friend whose birthday happens to be on Christmas Eve shared this bright, sweet-and-sour casserole. She tells me it's a "very traditional Danish dish, served with pork roast or duck or goose [or turkey, in our case], and not only at Christmas, but definitely part of Christmas dinner." (Rødkål translates as "red cabbage" and leads me to believe that this is really the only way to serve red cabbage in Denmark.)

She was kind enough to share her personal recipe. I've adapted it to work in a crockpot, which meant cutting the quantities in half. It makes fantastic leftovers or a pretty pot-luck contribution.

Recipe below.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016


Philippians 4:8
I've struggled with insomnia since I was a child. I've even blogged about it a few times. A little over a year ago, I shared that I'd had a breakthrough. I'm happy to say that I've added some refinements to the approach that I shared there.