Friday, April 22, 2016

Update on Dorothy

My mother this past Easter, with flowers sent by my sister.

My mother is in her late 80s. A year ago, she suffered a "silent" heart attack that gave all of us an abrupt wake-up call. I haven't posted about her in a very long time, but she's still puttering along, like an Energizer bunny, but with a dwindling battery. (Even Energizers eventually run out of juice.)

Saturday, April 16, 2016

On the Road and Off the Rails

Corporation Beach, Cape Cod, MA

I took a little road trip recently, to attend a memorial service for my aunt. It was one of those bittersweet trips where the reason for the visit is sad, but the warmth of loved ones is a treasure. But for anyone who has ever dieted, you will know that these excursions are a recipe for diet failure.