Thursday, June 25, 2015

Celebrate without ceasing!

Birthday date, June 22!
June is just one long series of celebrations around our house, or at least it was this year. Here's the month, in pictures.

June 3 - our son Peter's 25 birthday

Peter's friend and Peter singing "Happy Birthday."
June 6 - my father-in-law's birthday; we didn't get to celebrate together, but we did mark his day.

This picture was taken last July after Steve's and my retirement celebration. My father-in-law, Ian, is sitting in the centre.
June 18 - our youngest, Brian, graduated from the Basic Military Qualifications (boot camp) course and became an official member of the Canadian Army.

June 19 -- a celebratory dinner as our younger daughter, Emily, is days away from completing her diploma in medical esthetics.

Our two daughters: Katharine (l) and Emily (r)
June 21 -- Father's Day

Stephen with our firstborn, Katie.
June 22 -- My birthday
It was actually my 53rd birthday, but we didn't have a number 3 candle, so the butterfly means "plus one."
I don't think we have any more celebrations left this month, but that's fine. Hallmark has still earned a little profit off of us already.


  1. Our April is crazy busy month of celebration. And it's so funny that we all act surprised every year. LOL

    1. Same here, though I'm getting a little better at anticipating the greeting-card frenzy. The graduations just add to the busy-ness.


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