Monday, December 16, 2013

Retirement, So Far

I've been seeing a satisfactory amount of my bed lately.
It's been a week since I finished up my previous job. I think I'm really getting into the swing of things and am following an aggressive schedule of sleep.

I'm only kind of exaggerating. I have slept well, thanks to significantly reduced stress, but I've also been trying to implement some of the "good health" objectives I had set myself. They were:
  1. Walk every day
  2. Meditate
  3. Do yoga
  4. Eat well
You wouldn't think those would be hard to do, would you? I sure didn't, but right now, I'd give my self a B-. I'm making progress, but there is significant room for improvement. For example . . .

Objective 1: Walk every day

I did walk on the first three days of the week, but the reasons were pathetic:
  • I locked my keys in the car at the mall and had to walk/bus home.
  • I had to walk back to the mall the next day to fetch the car.
  • Steve needed the car on Wednesday so I had to walk/bus to my dentist appointment. This resulted in my needing a nap that afternoon. (I'm not exaggerating how exhausted I've been.)
  • Thursday's walk consisted of shopping for hard-to-find supplies for my Christmas gifts. (I think that counts because, man, was I tired when I got home!)
On Friday, it was just too darned cold. I did put on real pants and a bra [You can see how my standards have fallen with retirement. But in all seriousness, I don't think there is a 34GG bra in the world that could be considered "comfy."] with the intention of braving the arctic air. So I figure that counts for something. But the sad fact remains: I did not even once put on my boots and Go for a Walk.

One of the books I'm reading points out that most resolutions fail because they are far too broad and dreamy. They state, "I will lose 10 pounds," instead of the more realistic: "I will put on real pants, put on my boots, and step outside every day." The latter addresses the psychological obstacles that get in the way. So . . .

Restating objective 1: put on real pants, put on outdoor footwear, and step outside every day.

Objective 2: Meditate

So far, most of my meditation has been done by candlelight most evenings while soaking my joints in the bathtub. I figure it's a good combination. I like efficiency, even as applied to relaxation practices, but what happens if I don't take an evening bath?

Restating objective 2: practice bath or non-bath meditation before bed. 

Objective 3: Do yoga

I made it to yoga on Wednesday -- but I need to start doing it at home. I can't afford to pay for more than once a week, but my body would benefit from more frequent stretching, balance, and relaxation.

Restating objective 3: do at least one half sun salutation every morning and one balance posture. 

Objective 4: Eat well

The "eating well" part is on an upward curve as well. I've been diligent about drinking green tea at least once a day, usually instead of coffee. I did quite well at avoiding mass-produced foods during the day, but dinnertime is a bit of a hit-and-miss affair as I often find I'm just too tired to pull a real meal together in the late afternoon. Having said that, we did enjoy a couple of really nice dinners at home, including this smoked salmon pasta, which I invented and loved.

The dirty ladle really doesn't add much to this picture, does it? Time for a re-shoot. Rob, can you send more salmon?
The salmon was wild-caught and hot-smoked by Steve's brother, who lives in Victoria, B.C. I simply broke the fish up into a white sauce* with shredded zucchini and a little lemon and tarragon. It was really, really yummy, for those of us who like smoked salmon.

I also get blindsided by the snack monster. Man! I just want a nosh! I did well on one day by preparing a healthy zucchini loaf, but I need to make snacks part of my daily plan so I don't just lunge for the carbs.

Restating objective 4: Plan a healthy snack every day.

So that's the state of things one week in. I'm doing better and feeling better. It's working!

* P.S. Did you know that what I have always blandly called "white sauce" is the same thing as sauce Béchamel? All these years, I thought Béchamel was some kind of Holy Grail of culinary sauces. Now I know it's just a snobby name for a basic ingredient.


  1. Those are good goals. I am glad you revisited them and are making them so realistic.

    1. I'm still not hitting every objective every day, but I'm trying.


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