Sunday, July 14, 2013

Backyard Menagerie and Kitchen Mystery

The weather this weekend was absolute bliss. This afternoon (after running a few errands), I threw on my swimsuit, grabbed a cold beer and my Kindle, and made my way to the patio.

After splashing inelegantly for a while, I sat in the shade to read. I hadn't been sitting there long when I heard some chittering and chattering from beneath the bird feeder.

Short, dark, and handsome
But he (she?) was not alone.
A cute little redhead
Surprisingly, they seemed to get along quite amicably. Eventually the squirrel left, and the chipmunk was joined by two nondescript little birds.

"There's plenty for all of us."
Those cheeks are filled to bursting!
Eventually, I abandoned the oasis to help make dinner. On the menu tonight were these.
Have you ever seen such a thing?
I thought they were some kind of exotic bean - they were delivered with our weekly "surprise box" of organic veggies. But as I topped and tailed them in preparation for steaming, I was greeted with a decidedly oniony-garlicky aroma. I stopped what I was doing and Googled images for "bean-like onion flavour."

Sure enough, this image popped up:
Which led to a recipe for pistachio and "garlic scape" pesto. These greens are actually NOT beans (or alien pods); they are the sprouts from garlic bulbs and they are called scapes. Although the recipe describes them as having a mild flavour when raw, I found them a little too pungent, but sauteed a couple of them in butter and found them to be quite a delicious garnish for potatoes or for the Swiss chard I had steamed.

I am very glad I didn't try steaming them. Can't imagine that would have turned out well.


  1. Haha! I never would have known what those were either! Your box doesn't come with a list or labels or something?? I would be SO lost!

  2. Oh, how I wish it did! The farmer used to have a blog that listed "what's in this week's basket" but I think they've become too popular and thus too busy.

  3. Mmmm, scapes... yum~ yes, I definitely know what those are.. sauted in butter, they're fabulous!

  4. Wow, you really are catching up! Sautéed in butter is exactly how we ate them.


What did you think? Any comments?