Sunday, March 17, 2013

A Day at the Beach

Until we moved here, I don't think I had ever been to a beach any time but high summer, when the humid heat drove us to the water. I would brave the crowds of vain teenagers (with their cigarettes and loud music), unruly children (who kick sand in my sandwiches), and unsightly people in unflattering bikinis and thongs - all so that I could enjoy the beach.

In winter, the crowds are gone, but the sun is not.

Today, after putting the makings of an Irish stew into the crock pot, Steve and I walked down to the shore of the Ottawa River to see what we would see. Here is what we saw.
The breakwater juts out into the river, protecting the bay.
You can see the person flying a kite.
Even in summer, this lifeguard tower is no longer used.
I think it should be used for the naughty children who kick sand in my food. What do you think?
In "high season" it is impossible to get this picture without a handful of people in the way.
Some of the walking was a little treacherous, as the sun had melted the snow, which then turned to ice as temperatures dropped.
Steve also pointed out that the picnic pavillion was a former trolley station. So sad the trolley no longer runs!
Walking home, the wind was at our backs - an appropriate situation for St. Patrick's Day - so we weren't as cold. By the time we got home, I was sweating, despite the -10 Celsius weather.

Still, we made hot chocolate, spiked with a dram of Grand Marnier for a chocolate-orange treat. Perfect.

Not your typical beach day, but all the better for it.

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