Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Change of plans

This past weekend was Canadian Thanksgiving weekend. The original plan was for all of us to drive down to Oakville for a big family get-together. I was really looking forward to seeing as many of these people as I could. This picture - the last time I had been with my siblings and spouses, mom and aunts - was taken more than a year ago, at my late Aunt Betty's burial.
Ignore the date-stamp on the photo.
It was taken in September 2009.
I am kneeling front, left.

I hadn't seen much of them while we were living in Colorado, and I've missed them. I was also REALLY looking forward to meeting my very first great-nephew, Drew! He's only 3 months old and is ADORABLE. And it's been so long since I nom-nommed a little baby neck, and I really do have a thing for babies.

Diane and Drew

Unfortunately ... Emily caught mono and I caught a cold. We were both contagious. So I called off the trip. The last thing I wanted to do was infect an infant or his mom, who happens to have Cystic Fibrosis and for whom respiratory illnesses are no laughing matter.

So, I approached the weekend glumly. No surprise, by Friday, I was feeling much better, but I still didn't want to expose Drew and Diane to the bugs, so we still stayed home. But... Steve's sister came over on Friday and we decided to get together here and have a turkey dinner after all, on Monday.

Logistical challenge: how to seat up to 11 people around a 60-inch-diameter table that comfortably seats five, but can squeeze in seven? Steve's solution? Create a new tabletop to change this:
to this:

That's 60" x 120" and should seat up to 12.
Not too elegant, is it? But then I went SHOPPING! And this:
contributed to this:
An elegant table. (Not autumn colours, mind you, but I've been coveting some of that beautiful blue-grey for months!)

The weather was exquisite, so we got to enjoy our patio - its first party!

While outdoors, Brian and then Katie each accepted dares to jump into the frigid waters of the pool.

And he's in!

Next up: Hello Katie!

Brian jumped again, to give Katie some moral support.

Yup. It was COLD!

And the winners congratulated each other with a cold, wet hug.
I forgot to take pictures once we went inside for dinner, of course. Too busy gorging. But, as one would expect, there was plenty of yummy turkey, stuffing, homemade orange-cranberry sauce, multigrain pilaf, veggies, salad, two pies ...

So, yeah, the diet starts today.

Anyway, it wasn't the weekend I'd been waiting months for, but it was another memorable family gathering just the same. Now I just need to figure out when we WILL head down to Oakville and how I'll get to see baby Drew before he graduates from college and will likely not react well to his great-aunt nom-nomming his neck. Yeah. Not a good idea, creepy aunt.


  1. your table looks beautiful! So glad the weekend turned out well :)

  2. We definitely missed all of you, as well as Chris & Rob & family. Maybe we can try a mini-get-together sometime before the snow flies.

    Love the dining room table! Great modification Steve. Wynn Anne, I need that table cloth...would go great with my D.R. walls.

    The water looks great!

    Love to all, Pat

  3. Happy belated Thanksgiving day! That Steve, he is one handy guy. Miss you all.

  4. Yes, you are welcome to post a picture! :)
    We definitely missed you this weekend, but definitely appreciate the caution as well.
    Drew probably wouldn't appreciate neck nuzzles at his graduation, as any proper teenage boy probably wouldn't (though he may just get some from his Mommy anyway). You are always welcome down before then though, especially if you want to escape some winter chill! Of course, we may very well be up again next summer to escape some of our own GA heat!!


What did you think? Any comments?